Azure Hot and Cold Blob Storage

A recent addition to the Blob storage service is the addition of “Hot” and “Cold” Blob storage. This Cold storage type is a storage with slightly lower SLA than the regular (and of course Premium) generic storage and the Hot Blob storage and the Cold storage also has a different payment model which I intend to… Continue reading Azure Hot and Cold Blob Storage

Call Azure Machine Learning Experiments from Stream Analytics

While Stream Analytics does some things very well in creating intelligent systems it is still based on programmed logic. For example it will allow you to define simple fraud detection logic (if a credit card purchase is done in Russia at this moment but the same credit cars was used in USA an hour earlier) you… Continue reading Call Azure Machine Learning Experiments from Stream Analytics

DocumentDB revisited Part 2 – Get started

I have decided to turn the two-part post into a multi-part one. So this is the second of the three entries about Azure DocumentDB. This one will take my Order example and will create a working example with it. No previous knowledge needed. The third post will handle more advanced topics. Create your DocumentDB Account… Continue reading DocumentDB revisited Part 2 – Get started

Get started with Azure Redis Cache in .Net

Redis cashe “replaces” the older managed cache (not really – you can still create it if you want to). Redis cache is at least the new cache in the Azure and should be treated as the primary option for using cache in your cloud appliactions. Redis is a key-value store, where a single key can contain… Continue reading Get started with Azure Redis Cache in .Net

Logic Apps: Building a “bad PR” handler

Logic Apps are an interesting new Azure feature to build logically connected flows with sequences of logic happening in logical order. The possibilities are almost endless and you can extend it with own api/logic components if needed. You can use it to do orchestration-like integrations also (consider an http endpoint receiving XML post, schema validation,… Continue reading Logic Apps: Building a “bad PR” handler

AzureCon 2015: SQL Data Warehouse

One of the topics highlighted on the AzureCon virtual conference was the data warehouse functionality. A true high performing giant size data warehouse running as a service (PaaS) in Azure (with all the benefits of not needing to create VMs, setting up load balancing etc as the IaaS services). It gives you the possibility to use sources… Continue reading AzureCon 2015: SQL Data Warehouse